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  • BAD VIOLIN TOOLKIT | sound-dust

    The violin re-imagined So bad, it's great - really great! DRIFT + GRAINs engine for amazing violin based possibilities. For a FULL version of Kontakt 6.7.1 or above bad VIOLIN TOOLKIT £20/$20/€20 + free version Beautifully played solo violin treated brutally 700MB 24bit sample pool 70 plus snapshots 2 x Kontakt instruments DRIFT + GRAINs engines for FULL version of Kontakt 6.7.1and above get BAD VIOLIN TOOLKIT bad violin toolkit The BAD VIOLIN TOOLKIT features two instruments with the same(ish) sample set. The whole range of a beautifully bowed violin, with 6 velocity levels of every note. Everything is kept deliberately simple, the fun starts with the Kontakt engines. DRIFT BAD VIOLIN is a gorgeous and easy to use Kontakt wooze engine. Simple on top but deep and complex underneath. Two multi functioning tremolo engines, deep tape warble control, 100 morphing EQ presets, 50 plus custom IRs, one knob ADSR, filth control and amusing fake legato mode. 60 snapshots each with different internal architecture and something exciting mapped to the mod wheel (CC1). GRAINs BAD VIOLIN is a granular Kontakt engine that shrinks and stretches notes into new textures that are still recognizably violin-ish - or not. GRAINs also has a second layer of heartily played col legno violin for extra pluck. 10 snapshot playgrounds with re-configured internal architecture and something different mapped to the mod wheel (CC1) are starting points for further sonic adventure. BAD VIOLIN FREE BAD VIOLIN TOOLKIT inside DRIFT BAD VIOLIN 1 Kontakt instrument (for FULL 6.7.1 or above) 60 themed and re-cabled snapshots in 6 categories 800mb uncompressed samples. Every note @ 6 velocity layers mod wheel (CC1) always does something. morph EQ knob with 100 presets. morph ADSR knob with 100 presets. grist knob for noisy filth. 50 custom impulse response reverbs. space knob adds IR reverb and goes to 100% wet. BPM synced drift control for tape like chaotic wow and flutter. 2 X BPM synced bipolar volume ducking modulators for complex throbbing. polyphonic, monophonic, legato and offset play modes. portamento. up to 8 voices of detuned girth. full automation capability. handy built in instructions in RTFM page. What's Inside ? FULL version of Kontakt 6.7.1 needed BAD VIOLIN TOOLKIT will load into KONTAKT PLAYER but time out after 10 minutes, so please don't buy this if you are using the free KONTAKT PLAYER. £10/$10/€10 (inc VAT) for BAD VIOLIN TOOLKIT instant download BAD VIOLIN TOOLKIT drift ? GRAINs BAD VIOLIN 1 Kontakt instrument (for FULL 6.7.1 or above) 2 sample sets BOWED + COL LEGNO Every note @ 6 velocity layers 10 snapshots each with reconfigured internal workings. mod wheel (CC1) always does something exciting. live granular engine. 2 channels with volume and ADSR. chaotic vibrato control per channel. XY pad with control of GRAIN: speed & size, VERB: size & depth FILTER: high pass & low pass EQ: freq & cut/boost. XY pad chaos-ifier - click GRAINs icon. XY pad un chaos-ifier - click BAD VIOLIN icon. full automation capability. handy built in instructions in RTFM page. BAD VIOLIN FREE DRIFT FREE BAD VIOLIN 1 Kontakt instrument (for FULL 6.7.1 or above) 200mb uncompressed samples. 1 velocity layer 0 snapshots mod wheel (CC1) does something exciting. morph EQ knob with 100 presets. morph ADSR knob with 100 presets. grist knob for noisy filth. 50 custom impulse response reverbs. space knob adds IR reverb and goes to 100% wet. BPM synced drift control for tape like chaotic wow and flutter. 1 X BPM synced bipolar volume ducking modulators for complex throbbing. polyphonic, monophonic, legato and offset play modes. portamento. up to 8 voices of detuned girth. no automation capability. handy built in instructions in RTFM page. you might like these... end BAD PIANO TOOLKIT Good bad pianos 001 Complex simplicity 002 Ecstatic wooze 004 A new low

  • BAD PIANO TOOLKIT | sound-dust

    DRIFT FREE - BAD PIANOS So bad, it sounds great. A free DRIFT based Kontakt piano instrument. Can be upgraded with 60 REWIRED snapshots made with impossible under the hood rewiring that takes it into exciting new territory. bad piano TOOLKIT very free or £20/$20/€20 A BAD PIANO that sounds great 700MB of 24bit multi samples 80 snapshots 2 Kontakt engines noise, weird looping, uneven notes, wow, flutter & multi throb for FULL version of Kontakt 6.7.1and above BAD PIANO TOOLKIT bad pianos You've already got hundreds of 'proper' pianos, that sound like proper pianos and behave like proper pianos, but you haven't got anything as improper as BAD PIANOS. This is a wonky piano that oozes character and wrongness, but is still a joy to play and can make piano noises that sound like no other piano. And it can be free, so what have you got to lose ? ... but you can take it up a notch! The free version of BAD PIANOS exploits the fluidity of the DRIFT engine and encourages you to twist and morph a cosmos of new sounds. The BAD PIANO TOOLKIT upgrade goes further and tampers with the DNA of the free version. 60 themed snapshots reconfigure the architecture of DRIFT FREE BAD PIANOS. GRAINs BAD PIANO is a granular Kontakt engine that shrinks and stretches the piano into new textures that are still recognizably piano-ish - or not. From Tom Waits to Disintegration Loops to My Bloody Valentine via Mrs Mills 80 new snapshots each with something different going on under the hood for uncharted levels of bad/goodness. 60REWIRES everything in DRIFT FREE BAD PIANOS 60 themed and re-cabled snapshots in 6 categories GRAINs BAD PIANO the same bad piano samples poured into a granular sample engine 20 snapshots each with reconfigured internal workings endless's true ! BAD PIANO TOOLKIT inside DRIFT FREE BAD PIANOS 1 Kontakt instrument (for FULL 6.7.1 or above). 700mb uncompressed samples. morph EQ knob with 100 presets. morph ADSR knob with 100 presets. grist knob for noisy filth. 50 custom impulse response reverbs. space knob adds IR reverb and goes to 100% wet. BPM synced drift control for tape like chaotic wow and flutter. BPM synced bipolar ducking modulator for complex throbbing. polyphonic, monophonic, legato and offset play modes. portamento. up to 8 voices of detuned girth. full automation capability. Handy built in instructions in RTFM page. What's Inside ? FULL version of Kontakt 6.7.1 needed FREE DRIFT will load into KONTAKT PLAYER but time out after 10 minutes, so please don't buy this if you are using the free KONTAKT PLAYER. £10/$10/€10 (inc VAT) for BAD PIANO TOOLKIT instant download drift free - bad pianos BAD PIANO TOOLKIT BAD PIANO TOOLKIT everything in the free version + GRAINs BAD PIANO 1 Kontakt instrument (for FULL 6.7.1 or above). 20 snapshots each with reconfigured internal workings. The same bad piano samples as DRIFT FREE BAD PIANOS + a new hybrid sample set. Live granular engine. 2 channels with volume and ADSR. chaotic vibrato control per channel. XY pad with control of GRAIN: speed & size, VERB: size & depth FILTER: high pass & low pass EQ: freq & cut/boost. XY pad chaos-ifier - click GRAINs icon. Modwheel always does something - delay goes into self oscillation at max. Full automation capability. Handy built in instructions in RTFM page. 60REWIRES UPGRADE DRIFT FREE BAD PIANOS + 60 themed and re-cabled snapshots in 6 categories. Each snapshot has different internal architecture, impossible to achieve in the free version. BAD = bad and beautiful piano tones BOUNCED = complex delays with CC control of feedback HAZED = gorgeous and moody piano textures with CC control PULSATED = two extra secret volume modulators doing their thing TAPED = the sounds of bad piano through bad cassettes WRONGED = experiments in how far you can push a piano DRIFT ? drift ? A minimal interface beneath which lurks a maximalists desire to warp, bend and squash millions of new sounds into the aether. Simple at the front, complex behind the curtain. The business end is just 4 large knobs: Grist, ADSR, Morph and Space combine multiple functions for uncomplicated and intuitive sound design. Stack together instruments from across the DRIFT range for monstrous modular hybrid sounds. you might like these... end BAD VIOLIN TOOLKIT Bad/really good 001 Complex simplicity 002 Ecstatic wooze 003 Dubious voices from the post apocalypse

  • Beautiful noises for Kontakt and beyond | Sound Dust

    Sound Dust - Strange and unique samples libraries for Kontakt and beyond. STRANGE & BEAUTIFUL SOUNDS FOR YOUR STRANGE & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC Impossible instruments handcrafted from unlikely sources... RECENT inVENTIONS BAD VIOLIN TOOLKIT from bad to worse BAD PIANOS So bad, they are great! - also FREE DRIFT005 CLAVOTRON A 60-string electric guitar ##HOBBES## Generator of surprise DRIFT 004 A new low from SOUND DUST DUST ENGINE #2 electro acoustic sonic playroom DRIFT 003 Human - but only just ! DUST ENGINE #1 Liberation from preset scroll hell PLANKTON SONAR It's good to float PLANKTON DRUMMER a harmonic drum machine SPONGE PIANO 2 sponge + thumb x piano FELT dULCITONE glorious thonk and clunk SEE MORE end KIND WORDS FROM COOL PEOPLE 'Sound Dust makes one of the strongest arguments for the sampler as a true, expressive instrument. The care, creativity, quirkiness & MUSICALITY found in all their instruments has led to many inspiring moments for me. Highly recommended.' TRENT REZNOR - Nine Inch Nails, The Social Network, Gone Girl, Mid90s, Watchmen

  • Tiny Binaural Harpsichord³ | sound-dust

    A portable harpsichord recorded binaurally and also made into a prepared drum machine. Sample library for Kontakt VST Tiny Binaural Harpsichord³ £30 A portable Arnold Dolmetsch Harpsichord - plucked, damped and brutally prepared then recorded binaurally with OKM in ear mics and a human head 2 x instruments types - harpsichord and prepared harpsichord drum machine 150MB download for FULL version of Kontakt 5.5.1 or above. add to cart The Tiny Binaural Harpsichord³ remains beautifully faithful to its rare origins, a spinet harpsichord made by influential instrument maker and musician, Arnold Dolmetsch (1849-1940). As always with a Sound Dust instrument, the TBH³ offers much more than impressively realised acoustics and editing - it offers a completely unique and incredibly versatile ‘must have’ instrument for the modern player, sound designer or composer. mid Although the TBH³ has evolved from its predecessor, the TBH², there are some significant differences to hand. A spanking new edit suite and effects bank each come with an expanded set of features and editing controls for superior detailed manipulation of sound. Tweaking almost any of the controls will result in the transformation of familiar harpsichord characteristics, delivering subtle new textures or completely altered states. Experimentation rewards with never before heard wonders. Altering volume envelope, attack shape and heaping on the sustain can result in something that sounds like a treated harpsichord played with an E-Bow. Drop an octave or two, add a little something from the Sound Dust wildcards of dirt and rotor and discover the fizzing twang of short metal wires stretched over a jar. The TBH³ encourages and rewards with each edit. Tiny Binaural Harpsichord³ Tiny Binaural Harpsichord³ Tiny Binaural Harpsichord³ Tiny Binaural Harpsichord³ 1/4 What's Inside ? Harpsichord 3 articulations with selectable release sound Sample start control per articulation Stereo width and pan control per articulation ADSR volume envelope control per articulation Parametric notch/bump EQ per articulation Transient designer per articulation 24 custom convolution reverbs per articulation 4 controllable insert effects - dirt, eq, rotor, phaser and master algorithmic reverb 2 controllable send effects - delay and algorithmic reverb Keyboard Velocity modelling page 25 instrument snapshots Handy build in instructions in RTFM page FULL version of Kontakt 4 or above needed. Tiny Binaural Harpsichord³ will load into Player but time out after 10 minutes, so please don't buy this if you are using the free Kontakt Player. £30/$43/38€ (inc VAT) for Tiny Binaural Harpsichord³ instant download add to cart Prepared Harpsichord BOINK ENGINE PAGE 215 prepared harpsichord sounds 12 triggered 12 track sequencers 8 FX sequencing lanes per sequence track - reverb level, volume, filter cut off, hold, sample start, pan, transient modeller and tuning Remix control with 32 algorithms Sound and timing ramdomisation controls ONE SHOT PAGE 5 octaves of one shot kits 13 per note articulations - inc flam, drag, roll, Geiger, 16th repeat, 8th repeat, triplet 2 custom convolution reverb engines with 24 custom impulse responses Chaos and Order controls for instant ramdomisation and reset Filter, tuning and reverb send amount controls Handy build in instructions in RTFM page you might like these... FLUTTER DUST Beautiful mangled acoustics Ships Piano² Three character pianos in one. GrandThriftautoHarp² A tiny autoharp makes love to a grand piano MCE #1 : Found A found sound drum machine down

  • Grand Thrift Auto Harp² | sound-dust

    What happens when you mate a tiny autoharp with a plucked grand piano. Sample library for Kontakt VST Grand Thrift auto harp² £20 This is what happens when you mate a tiny autoharp with mighty grand piano 4 articulations 16 Kontakt .nki presets 380mb download for FULL version of Kontakt 4 or above. add to cart GrandThrift autoHarp² is what happens when you mate a tiny autoharp with a full sized grand piano. She's an impossible hybrid instrument with four different string layers that create unique piano-ish, plucky, autoharpy sounds. mid 1/1 What's Inside ? 4 different sound articulations ; picked autoharp, palm muted autoharp, binaural autoharp and binaural plucked grand piano. Multi sampled with up to 4 velocity levels per note. Advanced architecture with automatable control of volume, octave tuning, pan, volume envelope, tremolo and delay per voice. 69 specially created convolution reverb impulses recorded from real spaces, expensive hardware, and some less obvious sources including a Roland Space Echo, Lexicon reverb and the stage of Glyndebourne Opera House. Leslie effect, cabinet modelling and morphing EQ. Selectable and adjustable release group. Round robin sample swapping for extra realism. Midi timing jitter for even more realism. 19 "starter" presets in Kontakt 4 and 5 formats. A charming hand drawn manual. FULL version of Kontakt 4 or above needed. GTaH² will load into Player but time out after 10 minutes, so please don't buy this if you are using the free Kontakt Player. £20/$32/28€ (inc VAT) for Grand Thrift Auto Harp² instant download add to cart end you might like these... Dulcitone 1884² An electric electric piano without the electric TBHarpsichord³ It's tiny, and binaural. John Cage would like this Plastic Ghost Piano #2 A convolution piano Sponge Piano Sponge + thumb x piano

  • Prepared Pianet | sound-dust

    A brutalised Hohner Pianet T - recorded 3 ways. Sample libary for Kontakt VSt Prepared Pianet £30 A plebeian Pianet T : poked, prodded and pampered produces powerful, pleasing and pretty perverse powered pianic possibilities. 3 Kontakt instruments - Prepared Pianet, 3 X Muted Pianets and 3 X Acoustic Pianets 46 instrument snapshots 280mb download for FULL version of Kontakt 5.5.1 or above. add to cart Sounds like forgotten out-takes from Bitches Brew sessions discovered after 40 years under a damp blanket at the back of Joe Zawinul’s garage. This little marvel comprises three instrument sets – acoustic, muted and amped. Each set features a number of fully tweakable sounds which can be edited, blended together and given the full Sound Dust treatment to create your own unique Prepared Pianet. As with all Sound Dust instruments the Prepared Pianet is rich with possibility. The audible charms and eccentricities of classic tine and pickup electric pianos are utilised and brought under the control of the player as never before. mid Reminded me of my old Pianet T, which I played through an elderly Selmer 100 watt valve head (turned up to eleven, of course) and a 4x12 speaker cab with a couple of torn cones. The resulting overdrive and feedback blotted out three guitars and drums leaving just me and the bass in a body pummelling groove. I thought that sound was lost in time, but it’s possible once more and at much lower volumes with the Prepared Pianet. Dean- Quietland Prepared Pianet Prepared Pianet - a sample library for Kontakt VST The gubbins Prepared Pianet - a sample library for Kontakt VST- RTFM Prepared Pianet - a sample library for Kontakt VST Prepared Pianet Prepared Pianet - a sample library for Kontakt VST The gubbins 1/5 All sounds were carefully sampled from the source instrument, a Hohner Pianet T, using three techniques; Very close mic-ed for acoustic harmonics and dissonance, muted with a finger placed delicately on each tine for a thumb piano feel, and through high quality pre-amps. As with other Sound Dust instruments the results can be thought of as a self-contained orchestra of the surreal. The Prepared Pianet offers superb standard electric pianos and heavily processed tines. Stratospheric pads are under-laid with electronic tweets and chatter. Played lower down the scale, a muted piano becomes an unstable electro bass. Whacked out opportunities abound, from evolving electronics, snappy acoustics and indescribable musical tones and frequencies. The percussive blasts and tinkling subtleties which can be achieved inspire the imagination. Whats Inside ? Acoustic Pianet - very tricky to record because these things are very quiet - 6 velocity layers of close mic-ed tines Muted Pianet - a delicate finger laid expertly on each tine and recorded through a Warm Audio Tone Beast preamp - 6 velocity layers Amped Pianet - nice long resonant notes, clean or amped - 4 velocity layers Individual controls for octave, volume, sample start, pan, stereo width, attack curve, ADSR, vibrato and reverb send per pianet 960 24bit mono samples = 280mb with Native Instruments' propriety compression 24 custom convolution reverbs per piano 4 fully controllable instrument effects - chorus, rotor, phaser and master algorithmic reverb Master FX page - master EQ, tape and valve modelling plus transient designer Keyboard Velocity and Round Robin modelling page 3 Kontakt instruments - Prepared Pianet, 3 X Muted Pianets and 3 X Acoustic Pianets 46 instrument snapshots Handy build in instructions in RTFM page FULL version of Kontakt 5.5.1 or above needed. Prepared Pianet will load into Player but time out after 10 minutes, so please don't buy this if you are using the free Kontakt Player. £30/$43/38€ (inc VAT) for Prepared Pianet instant download add to cart end you might like these... Ships Piano Portable piano for a ship and some friends Sponge Piano Wonky and woody DULCITONIUM A convolution dulcitone. Flutter EP Wavetable-ish electric piano

  • LOOP POOL - BOOM & BUST | sound-dust

    Low and often dirty modern cinematic loops in a synced player device. A sample library for Kontakt VST LOOP POOL : BOOM & BUST V2 £40 A huge pool of organic and analogue building blocks squeezed into a cunning BPM synced morphing device. Use your mod wheel and keyboard to intuitively build an infinity of urgent, thrilling and unique underscore (and overscore) from scratch. 1 Kontakt instrument (K5 & K6 versions) with 283 synced loops an additional 500+ .wav loop full mix & stems for your DAW 1.7 GB total size - 1.5GB download for FULL version of Kontakt 5.8 and/or 6.1.1 add to cart BOOM & BUST is handcrafted from deep and broken organically generated sound sources. Space Echo self osculation, distorted 808, bust up drum kits and bent cymbals, thumb piano, Voyager, Theremin, Dfam, binaurally recorded found sounds, electrostatic crackle, lovely wooden egg shakers, infinite guitar, dust piano, snow, fireworks, ghostly footsteps, softly beaten cello, nefaraphone, musical saw, stethoscope and many other unlikely sources. Nothing in BOOM & BUST was born inside a computer, only analogue synths and real world sounds recorded through mics and processed through tape, spring reverbs, modular kit, valves, transformers and crunched transistors In addition to the sounds in the Kontakt instrument there is a pool of 500+ 24bit .wav loops to drop directly into your DAW or sampler for extra abuse, warping and sound design. 'So many surprises across keys. Wiggle that mod wheel. Use NOTE LOCK ON to make melodies. Explore convolution spatial effects. Indulge in glitchy abundance. Use buzzwords like "cinematic" and "epic" AND MEAN IT.' Torley tells it like it is BOOM & BUST V2 LOOP POOL : BOOM and BUST cinematic percussive sample library for Kontakt VST BOOM & BUST v2 LOOP POOL : BOOM and BUST cinematic percussive sample library for Kontakt VST K6 update - MW + notelock RTFM LOOP POOL : BOOM and BUST cinematic percussive sample library for Kontakt VST BOOM & BUST V2 LOOP POOL : BOOM and BUST cinematic percussive sample library for Kontakt VST 1/4 mid The glorious and madly creative forte of BOOM & BUST is in hitting any note and real-time morphing through four BPM synced stem variations with the mod wheel (or CC1). Then add other notes for more synced stem variations and more morphing. Bottom part of the keyboard is where the booms live and things get 'lighter' as you move up the keyboard for 6 octaves. Reverse loops with the play head control and stretch single loops across the whole keyboard with the note lock. Use legato to start a new loop from where you left the last one - all perfectly synced with your track. Every control can be DAW automated or midi learned for complex processing and jamming. FULL version of Kontakt 5.8 and/or 6.1.1 needed BOOM & BUST will load into Kontakt Player but time out after 10 minutes, so please don't buy this if you are using the free Kontakt Player. £40/$56/46€ (inc VAT) for BOOM & BUST instant download add to cart What's Inside ? BOOM & BUST - the small print 1.7GB total size - 1.5GB download inc 500+ .wav loops for your DAW 1 Kontakt instrument (for Kontakt 5.8 and Kontakt 6.1.1) Absolutely no snapshots - you'll see why Classic Sound Dust RTFM instruction manual built into interface Waveform section Mod wheel hardwired to loop group morphing (or use CC1) - all tempo synced Time Funnel - set temp synced playback speed per morph group 4 loops per key over 6 octaves Sample offset per note/loop Real-time waveform display Snap control 1/32 to Bar Master volume control - cc map-able (handy instead of aftertouch for expression) Velocity to volume control Pitch bend depth - from 1 semitone to 12 Aftertouch to volume control - for handy expression control Volume attack, decay, sustain and release Forward and reverse play direction Note lock control - spreads last played note across whole keyboard for crazy old school sampling. Trem Chaos - randomises tremolo LFO shape (but still tempo synced) Legato - sets sample set to legato mode - new note play continues from last note position Precise readout of XY pad control values Convolution impulse select - 80 custom-made IRs - 8 categories- 10 impulses per category XY pad Low and high pass filter Transient Designer Convolution - amount dry X - amount wet Y Solid G equaliser - 1 band = 600 hz to 7 khz- frequency X - amount Y Midi learn triangles - for external controllers to learn XY pucks Tape saturation gain On/off and reset controls per effect (click effect icon) all controls read and write DAW automation Kontakt 6 version Replika delay - 5 amazing sounding delay machine types 20 Replika delay presets LOOPs 500 themed loop pack- 24bit 4 bar loops = 1.1GB Full mix & single 'instrument' stems that can be added to each other for millions of tonal and rhythmic variation Kicks, snares, throbs, fx, high and low percussion and filthy organic instrumentation bottom you might like these... LOOP POOL - Percussion Unexpected percussion noises String Pool More pool CHOIR POOL Choir bots ! Cluster Earfruits 6GB pool of joy

  • CULTURAL BAGGAGE | sound-dust

    Daft ideas, movies, music thoughts and irrelevent musings on the hot topics of the age CULTURAL BAGGAGE Daft ideas, movies, music, thoughts and irrelevant musings on the hot topics of the age. Selected works from the regular Sound Dust CULTURAL BAGGAGE mail out - all pics have fascinating links #24 #23 #22 #21 #20 end

  • PLANKTON SONAR | sound-dust

    Gorgeous diaphonous plinky plonk drifting through the Adriatic. A multi sequencing, mulit sampled loveliness generator for Kontakt. PLANKTON SONAR £50 Phytoplanktonic system music tinkles A complex multi sequencer per note 5 FX sequencer lanes per note Selectable sound per note (sine, EP, sponge piano, metal, glass, Hammond) 2 round robin modes to cycle between different sounds + dropout seeding Scale and key quantizer with unique quantized pitch wheel 11 algorithmic playback engines on 72 keys Hard to explain - intuitive to use for FULL version of Kontakt 5.8 and above ADD TO CART NEKTON - from the Greek : νηκτόν, "to swim" The name plankton is derived from the Greek adjective πλαγκτός (planktos), meaning errant, and by extension, wanderer or drifter PLANKTON SONAR is also a friendly Kontakt device for building beautiful, organic system music and deep undersea pinging ripples . Like a warm ocean of diaphanous Crustacea, looping, colliding and generating harmonized polyrhythms PLANKTON SONAR is easy to use (once you get your head around it) and a quick way of creating gorgeous and unexpected results. Multiple sound sources, amorphous sequencers, cunning algorithms and a unique pitch/scale quantizer. mid Each note of the sequence section (coloured keys) has its own sound engine (with a choice of 6 sounds) and a note sequencer with variable length and playrate. Each note (the coloured keys) also has its own suite of effects and 5 FX sequencing lanes for 16 different FX parameters. A reverb unite per note with 122 Custom IMPULSE RESPONSES create natural and impossible spaces. Hybrid IR's can transform a piano into a cowbell, high hat or radio interference. DRONE IR's add layers of ghostly tuned reverb. Unique scale & key quantizer, with 24 types, can be automated and retunes the whole instrument to a selected key and scale. An even more unique pitch wheel function scans the sequences through notes of the selected key and scale in real time. 'Fantastically useful, beautiful and completely mad - already using it in the new SLOW HORSES soundtrack' - Pablo and James from TOYDRUM - makers the coolest soundtracks in the biz PLANKTON SONAR NOTE SEQUENCERS PLANKTON SONAR FX SEQUENCER PLANKTON SONAR RTFM 3 PLANKTON SONAR NOTE SEQUENCERS 1/8 Van Delay made a gorgeous album PALACIO DEL PASATIEMPO using almost entirely PLANKTON as the main sound source - it means Hobby Palace : ) The SOUNDS - clear and pure (ish) SINE - analogue staccato sine patch from Moog Voyager - 3 variations EP - Hohner Pianet T + Wurlitzer electric piano with 3 variations SPONGE PIANO - sponge muted Cramer upright piano - 3 subtle effect variations GLASS - hybrid celeste based instrument with 3 variations METAL - hybrid Dulcitone based instrument with 3 variations HAMMOND B3 - staccato Hammond organ with Leslie variation Sounds are stacked in octaves and variation per sequencer key : lower velocity = lower octave, higher velocity = higher octave Select a different sound per sequencer key. 2 round-robin modes that cycle around the sounds per sequencer key. Dropout mode that 'seeds' the playback probability of a sequencer. PLANKTON BUNDLE - 40% OFF the whole family bottom For FULL version of Kontakt 5.8 and above PLANKTON SONAR will load into Kontakt Player but time out after 10 minutes, so please don't buy this if you are using the free Kontakt Player. £50/$70/€58 (inc VAT) for PLANKTON SONAR instant download ADD TO CART What's Inside ? PLANKTO N SONAR - the small print 1.7 G B download 12 note sequencers 12 FX sequencers with 5 lanes Scale and key quantizer includes Pitch Wheel 24 scale types 6 octaves of a rticulations 72 articulator engines with 11 algorithms 2000 samples 199 snapshots 100 presets 1 Kontakt instrument Huge, non-fiddly GUi Classic Sound Dust RTFM instruction manual built into interface 12 sequencers-keys c5 to b5 1 sequencer per note 6 sounds per note Sequence lanes for sample select, quantized pitch, decay and velocity 5 FX lanes selectable from 16 FX destinations Multiple play rates 1 to 64 steps Swing, drag and humanize controls 2 round robin types and dropout control SCALE & KEY QUANTIZE 36 scale types 12 keys Unique quantized pitch wheel scans through scale automation friendly ARTICULATORS- keys c-1 to b4 1 algorithmic articulator engine per note 11 algorithms Flam, Drag, Ruff, Roll, Buzz, 16ths, 8ths, ALGOs 1 to 4 Independent FX PER note Volume Soft ( attack time) Sample start Pan Transient Designer - attack & sustain Filth - tube or transistor saturation Bits - bit depth & sample rate Flanger Delay Convolution reverb ALL OF THESE CAN BE CONTROLLED IN REAL TIME by FX LANE CUSTOM IMPULSE RESPONSE 122 custom IRs per note 11 Categories - EPIC - POLITE-DEVICE-REVERSE-SPRING-FX-LOW DRONE-MID DRONE-HIGH DRONE-SUB DRONE DRONE sections add tuned drone sounds mixer Controls for every articulation Volume, Pan, IR mix and Snap Master low and high pass filters Master IR reverb unit you might also like these... PLANKTON DRUMMER PLANKTON DRUMMER PLANKTON SEQUENCER icon GOLD More plink with a bit of plonk BOOM AND BUST The original pool of cinematic thumping KICKTOM Like it says - kicks and toms : )

  • CLUSTER for ZEBRA 2 | sound-dust

    Menacing but beautiful sounds for U-He Zebra 2 VST CLUSTER for ZEBRA2 £35 246 inspiring patches for Zebra 2 wrapped up in a bespoke Sound Dust skin + 6.7GB of sampled loops & a granular Kontakt player for U-HE ZEBRA 2 VST U-He's Zebra 2 is a powerful semi modular soft synth with almost too many sonic possibilities under its hood. CLUSTER is a collection of 246 presets made from a series of radically different synth architectures each pushed to its limits to produce small families of amazing sounds. Stunningly beautiful slow organic pads, deep complex basses, chaotic and viscous throbs, FM and analogue drum kits, dusty modelled keyboards, warped alien leads, glorious dissonant evolutions and arps a plenty. CLUSTER isn't aimed at any specific genre - although it does carry the strange and beautiful Sound Dust dna of other instrument designs - CLUSTER is earfruit intended to trigger and inspire new musical thoughts and sonic inventions. But if you don't own Zebra 2 you can still enjoy the joys of CLUSTERing with the massive CLUSTER earfruits loop pack. Over 2000 tempo synced loops and one-shots sampled from the Zebra engine. These are really handy to drop into your DAW of choice or into the bespoke Kontakt earfruits engine. mid Raborn Johnson reviews Cluster Bundle for SAMPLE LIBRARY REVIEW “If you’re tired of run-of-the-mill synth sounds, Cluster might be just what you’re looking for. I guarantee you have never heard presets that sound like these. “Unique” doesn’t even begin to describe what’s beneath this hood.” Sample Library Review Cluster Sample Library Review Cluster for Zebra2 VST Cluster for Zebra2 VST Cluster for Kontakt VST Cluster for Kontakt VST Sample Library Review Cluster Sample Library Review 1/7 Whats Inside ? CLUSTER for ZEBRA 2 bespoke Sound Dust skin 246 themed presets - bass, chaos, drum machine, dust, keys, low, slow, solo, throb plus arp variations 4 XY pad controllers per preset aftertouch (AT) and mod wheel (MW) functionality per preset handy and informative patch notes CLUSTER earfruits 6.7GB of 24bit/44.1khz .wav samples 1600 themed loops - chromatically sampled C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C with BPM information 400ish one shot drum hits - kicks, snares, hats and percussion super-dooper earfruits Kontakt player down you might like these TOO... FRICTION for DIVA Dirty virtual analogue UNTOPIA Omnisphere wonk String Pool Organic violin-ing ODDular Modular oddulation and an EMS PUTNEY

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