Like a room full of noise generators, plucked, struck or bowed things, exotic vintage synths and more. You control a space and time shifting chamber orchestra of the cloned avatars of Moebius, Roedelius and Plank. Load your own samples and build instruments you never dreamt of.
INFUNDIBULUM#1.1 is a wild card for your DAW template. Push any midi file through it, experiment with snapshots, or tweak the controls to surprise yourself into new creative directions.
New in #1.1 - 6 filter sequencers, updated sound sources, new convolution reverbs, user sample import, new FX and a snazzy new interface.
"Infundibulum is unbelievably groovy… what an amazing untapped palette of timbres and rhythms, a real polyrhythmic wonderland.” - Chris Carter - Throbbing Gristle, Carter Tutti and Chris & Cosey
THE INFUNDIBULUM family is not intended to authentically replicate any of the sounds included, some have been deeply multi sampled and others are deliberately stretched across a wider key span than is sensible. The samples all have very obvious loop points. The whole point of Infundibulum is to embrace and celebrate the artefacts that occur when sampling goes too far. Hold a chord, any chord, and you will hear the different notes start to cycle back on themselves in disjointed but glorious ways that you will never hear from a gazillion gigabyte hypersampled piano, crumhorn or orchestral calabash.
Then add in the multi-arp and filter sequencers, 3 sounds repeating through different length cycles at different speeds, and you are halfway to an out-of-body experience.
Dulcitone, Rhodes MK1 stage piano, medical grade tuning forks, music box, Hohner clavinet, charango, mbira, school chime bars, glockenspiel, marimba, banjo ukulele, 8 string ukulele, Cramer upright piano, over felted upright piano, EDP Wasp synth, Nord Wave, DSI Evolver, Korg MS10, MaM ADX1 analogue drum machine, Bastl microgranny sampler, recordable greetings card, human voice.
'This is superb, I've never seen anything like it. I really, really love it !' - Mikey Rowe keyboard wiz to the stars (Sheryl Crowe, Noel Gallagher, Ed Sheeran, Dave Gilmour etc )

INFUNDIBULUM#1.1 - filter sequencer

INFUNDIBULUM#1.1 - Multi arp

INFUNDIBULUM#1.1 - A sample library for Kontakt VST by Sound Dust.

INFUNDIBULUM#1.1 - filter sequencer
What's Inside?
1 Kontakt .nki instrument
180 themed snapshots...but Infundibulum is all about tweaking really, these will just get you in the ballpark
874MB download
3 independent multifunction arp contraptions with gate, chord and 10 other arp modes
Adjustable step lengths from 1 to 64 per multi-arp
Adjustable step rate from 1/128 to whole note with triplet variations plus modem, geiger and meltdown modes per multi-arp
Swing, offset, decay and pitch control per multi-arp
Filter sequencer...
Independent multifunction sequencers for high pass and low pass filter control - 2 per oscillator lane
Adjustable step lengths from 1 to 64 per sequencer
Adjustable step rate from 1/128 to whole note with triplet variations plus modem, geiger and meltdown modes per sequencer
Swing and soft mode control per sequencer
3 sample oscillators, each with 31 multi-sampled sample sets
Sample start, loop start and loop length control per oscillator
Pan and autopan control per oscillator
Volume attack, decay, sustain and release control per oscillator
Distortion module with drive, damp, tube or transistor, bit and sample rate reduction per oscillator
Low pass and high pass filters with resonance
Vibrato rate and depth control per oscillator
Chorus rate and depth control per oscillator
Convolution reverb with 34 custom IRs per oscillator
Delay send control per oscillator
ARP Recorder...
Drag & drop midi file recorder grabs single and multichannel output from the multi-arp that can be loaded back into a new DAW track
INSERT effects
Tape & saturation
Solid G - 4 band equalizer
Rotor speaker
Algorithmic reverb
SEND effects
Tempo synced tape delay
Algorithmic reverb
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What the heck is an INFUNDIBULUM anyway ?
Funny you should ask :- technically it's just a funnel, but in his excellent time leaping novel Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut invented the Chrono-synclastic Infundibulum, which is essentially a time funnel. Seemed an apt name for this instrument.