U-He's Zebra 2 is a powerful semi modular soft synth with almost too many sonic possibilities under its hood.
CLUSTER is a collection of 246 presets made from a series of radically different synth architectures each pushed to its limits to produce small families of amazing sounds.
Stunningly beautiful slow organic pads, deep complex basses, chaotic and viscous throbs, FM and analogue drum kits, dusty modelled keyboards, warped alien leads, glorious dissonant evolutions and arps a plenty.
CLUSTER isn't aimed at any specific genre - although it does carry the strange and beautiful Sound Dust dna of other instrument designs - CLUSTER is earfruit intended to trigger and inspire new musical thoughts and sonic inventions.
But if you don't own Zebra 2 you can still enjoy the joys of CLUSTERing with the massive CLUSTER earfruits loop pack. Over 2000 tempo synced loops and one-shots sampled from the Zebra engine. These are really handy to drop into your DAW of choice or into the bespoke Kontakt earfruits engine.
Raborn Johnson reviews Cluster Bundle for SAMPLE LIBRARY REVIEW
“If you’re tired of run-of-the-mill synth sounds, Cluster might be just what you’re looking for. I guarantee you have never heard presets that sound like these. “Unique” doesn’t even begin to describe what’s beneath this hood.”

Cluster Sample Library Review

Cluster for Zebra2 VST

Cluster for Kontakt VST

Cluster Sample Library Review
Whats Inside ?
bespoke Sound Dust skin
246 themed presets - bass, chaos, drum machine, dust, keys, low, slow, solo, throb plus arp variations
4 XY pad controllers per preset
aftertouch (AT) and mod wheel (MW) functionality per preset
handy and informative patch notes
CLUSTER earfruits
6.7GB of 24bit/44.1khz .wav samples
1600 themed loops - chromatically sampled C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C with BPM information
400ish one shot drum hits - kicks, snares, hats and percussion
super-dooper earfruits Kontakt player