LOOP POOL : BLISS MACHINE is a gorgeous guitar texture device.
Always synced to the BPM of your DAW, you can intuitively trigger, time slip and morph pitched samples with mod wheel and keyboard to create beautiful cathedrals of sound or raucous chunky riffery .
Super composer/producer/guitarist Andrew Britton built a stunning set of guitar loops for major, minor and single notes in every key. Four version of each are pushed into the LOOP POOL engine that uses modwheel control to morph through synced variations with control of playback speed per layer. Sound Dust couldn't resist and mangled the original loops into the remix versions, which add extra flavour. Reverse control flips the loops while retaining sync and the notelock control spreads one set of samples across the whole keyboard for stranger mutations.
XY pad has quick control of convolution reverb depth, EQ and tremolo. Pretty much everything can be automated for easy control of complex variations.
'Holy cow ! This is a Fripp/Eno machine, no pussyfooting about it! Most stunning Kontakt thing I've ever laid hands on...'
'Absolutely LOVELY - GENIUS, akin to every other instrument you masterfully create. This one sounds PARTICULARLY amazing to me however - I'm catching immense NIN - The Fragile vibes 😍❤'
Some particularly nice YouTube comments

LOOP POOL : BLISS MACHINE - pitch and BPM synced guitar texture sample library for Kontakt VST

LOOP POOL : BLISS MACHINE - pitch and BPM synced guitar texture sample library for Kontakt VST

LOOP POOL : Percussion - wonky organic percussiion sample library for Kontakt VST

LOOP POOL : BLISS MACHINE - pitch and BPM synced guitar texture sample library for Kontakt VST
What's Inside ?
LOOP POOL : BLISS MACHINE - the small print
1 GB download
288 guitar loops organized by key and chord type
50 Kontakt instrument (for Kontakt 5.8 and Kontakt 6)
Classic Sound Dust RTFM instruction manual built into interface
Waveform section
Mod wheel hardwired to loop group morphing (or use CC1) - all tempo synced
Time Funnel - set temp synced playback speed per morph group
Offset - adjust start point of every single stem by up to 50%
4 loops per key
Real-time waveform display
Snap control 1/32 to Bar
Master volume control - cc map-able (handy instead of aftertouch for expression)
Velocity to volume control
Pitch bend depth - from 1 semitone to 12
Aftertouch to volume control - for handy expression control
Volume attack, decay, sustain and release
Forward and reverse play direction
Note lock control - spreads last played note across whole keyboard for crazy old school sampling.
Remix - altered messed up versions of the original samples
Precise readout of XY pad control values
Convolution impulse selector - 80 custom-made IR reverbs - 8 categories - 10 impulses per category
XY pad
Low and high pass filter
Tremolo Designer
Convolution reverb - amount dry X - amount wet Y
Solid G equalizer - 1 band = 200 Hz to 2.5 kHz- frequency X - gain Y
Midi learn triangles - for external controllers to learn XY pucks
Tape saturation gain
On/off and reset controls per effect (click effect icon)
all controls read and write DAW automation
Kontakt 6 version
Replika delay - 5 amazing sounding delay machine types
20 Replika delay presets